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Image by kazuend

Why Nature?

Nature provides a wide range of benefits that supports our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

Nature Health Benefits 


  1. Improved physical health: Spending time in Nature can help reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, boost immunity, and increase physical activity levels.

  2. Enhanced mental health: Nature has a calming effect on the mind and can improve mood, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and increase overall feelings of happiness and well-being.

  3. Increased creativity and productivity: Exposure to natural environments has been shown to enhance creativity, problem-solving abilities, and concentration, that can lead to increase productivity.

  4. Connection with others: Nature can facilitate social interactions and foster a sense of community and belonging.

  5. Environmental benefits: Nature provides essential ecosystem services such as air and water purification, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity conservation, which are critical for human survival and well-being.

Indoor Health Risks

  1. Poor Indoor Air Quality: Indoor air quality can be 2-5 times worse than outdoor air quality. This can be due poor ventilation, indoor pollutants from cleaning products, dust, and mold. 

  2. Lack of Physical Activity: Spending too much time indoors can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. This can lead to obesity, heart disease, and other health problems.

  3. Lack of Natural Light: Exposure to natural light is important for maintaining healthy circadian rhythms and a balanced sleep-wake cycle. Spending too much time indoors without natural light exposure can disrupt these rhythms and lead to poor sleep quality.

  4. Increased Stress Levels: Spending too much time indoors can lead to feelings of confinement, isolation, and claustrophobia, which can increase stress levels. Chronic stress can lead to a variety of physical and mental health problems.

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